Thursday, August 16, 2018

FreeMart IEE™ Incubated Egg Extract

IEE™ Incubated Egg Extract is a unique, nutrient-dense, cholesterol-free dietary substance derived from pre-embryonic fertilized chicken eggs that have been incubated under controlled conditions until they have reached peak levels of nutrients and growth factors.  The patented process for extracting nutrients from incubated fertile chicken eggs was developed in Norway and has been used in Norway and throughout Scandinavia for many years. FreeMart IEE™ Incubated Egg Extract contains two unique ingredients not found together in any other supplement.
Oder your product today.

1 comment:

  1. Patented Extraction Process

    These nutrients include proteins, 22 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, growth factors and biological defense factors, oligopeptides and glycopeptides among a host of other nutrients needed to develop the embryo and produce a healthy chick.

    Note: These are all-natural nutrients extracted directly from a universally accepted food source (fertilized chicken eggs) and are not to be confused or associated with synthetic peptides and other unnatural substances.
    Research done on Incubated Egg Extract confirms a wide range of important health benefits, some of which include:

    Improves brain function
    Moderating Stress Response
    Improving Emotional Balance
    Reduction of excess body weight
    Improving Muscle Tone & Strength
    Improving Stamina & Energy Levels
    Increasing Libido

    Maintaining Healthy Cortisol Levels
    Building Collagen for Healthier Skin
    Regulating Production of Serotonin
    Promoting Longer & More Restful Sleep
    Giving an overall sensation of well-being
    Improving Brain Function, Focus & Memory


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